Ethereal and intimate, Laine's captured bodies on camera bloom in the once-in-a-lifetime combination between a floating figure and a one-breath dive.

One of the things I love about shooting underwater is how the water itself is a means to defy gravity. It can hold the figures suspended in space and it can allow them to slowly rise as if flying towards the heavens.
However, every single shot has been captured on a simple breath hold. It's interesting how her characters seem to be flowing fluidly and just slow-motioning until they lock their pose as you look at them. As if Laine's breath hold time allowed for the same infinite frames the LIVE feature gives on Instagram shots.

More often than not, my photographs celebrate the beauty of this otherworldly place but with this often comes the sadness of how we as humans mistreat this vital resource.
However she manages to materialize those frames, these magical underwater fine art photos will blow your mind. I remember the first time I've seen them making the walls of the tiny stall at one of latest The Other Art Fair's editions in London, I felt I needed to hold my breath and a cold, wet touch caressing my skin.
Her pictures of women swimming in crystal clear waters look like delicate baroque paintings and lead us to a magical dance in an ethereal atmosphere.
A dance of liquid fairies.
Get lost in her magic of Lexi Laine's portfolio.